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Shamsun Nahar
Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
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1) Nahar S, Ullah AKMA, Islam M, Khan HR, A study on Effectiveness of Aerobic Exercises and Naproxen in the Treatment of patients with Fibromyalgia, Bangladesh Journal of Neuroscience, 2000, 16(1/2), 16-25
2) Ullah AKMA, Bhuiyan MM, Nahar S, Hannan MA, Tuberculosis of the spinal cord-an uncommon presentation, Bangladesh Journal of Neuroscience, 1998, 14(1), 25-28
3) Ullah AKMA, Bhuiyan MM, Nahar S, Islam MR, Tuberculoma- A diagnostic dilemma, Bangladesh Journal of Neuroscience, 1998, 14(2), 66-69
4) Ullah AKMA, Bhuiyan MM, Nahar S, Khan MRK, A case of leukodystrophy with myopathy -A rare presentation, Bangladesh Journal of Neuroscience, 1997, 13(2), 56-59
5) Nahar S, Khan MRK, Ullah AKMA, Haque A, Mannan MA, Khaleque A, Moniruzzaman AKM, Islam SN, Islam R, Mohammed QD, Ahmed B, Rahman MK, Arecona, Betel nut extract in the treatment of cerebrovascular disease (CVD) - A Multicenter clinical Trial, Bangladesh Journal of Neuroscience , 1996, 12(1), 1-5
6) Khan MRK, Ullah AKMA, Haque A, Nahar S, Programmed cell death and their implications in Neurodegenerative disorders, Bangladesh Journal of Neuroscience , 1996, 12(1), 13-15
7) Ullah AKMA, Islam MR, Kabir MI, Ahmed G, Sarker CB, Nahar S, Ahmed S, Wilson's disease: It's clinical presentation, Bangladesh Journal of Neuroscience, 1996, 12(2), 34-40
8) Ullah AKMA, Habib M, Mohammad QD, Ahmed S, Nahar S, Review of risk factors for stroke-study of 100 cases, Bangladesh Journal of Neuroscience, 1993, 9(1), 11-20
9) Ullah AKMA, Qayum MZ, Nahar S, Difficulty and constrain in the management of acute renal failure in non-teaching hospital, Journal Inst Postgrad Med Res, 1992, 7(1), 12-17
10) Ullah AKMA, Qayum MZ, Nahar S, A study of tetanus in Camilla General Hospital., Bangladesh Journal of Neuroscience, 1989, 1989; 5(2), 55-60